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illustrative header brave arts  website, Brave Arts provides Art work & consultation relating to all things street art & graf

Life of a piece.  

Step by Step

Here you can see how our pieces come together from a design to a painting....................
step by step slideshow of a wall scotty~Brave one painted in Aug 2015 for the beacon on the hill.  PEACE
snaggletooth battle cat painted at grimsby urban art festival by brave_arts bravearts scotty brave
snaggletooth battle cat painted at grimsby urban art festival by brave_arts bravearts scotty brave
snaggletooth battle cat painted at grimsby urban art festival by brave_arts bravearts scotty brave
Short film of Scotty Brave1 painting a skatepark....
concrete flyer spraypainted for graffiti art workshop at leigh skatepark for leigh art trail
leigh art trail street art in leigh on sea by bravearts brave arts
baby face street art portrait leigh on sea street
artist paints photorealistic piece of street art portrait leigh on sea street
first lines of street art portrait leigh on sea street
first lines of street art portrait leigh on sea street  leigh art trail
Short film of Drop in Spray-can-art Workshops down by the River in Hackney.  For Gobal Street art. 
painting in hackney wick for global street art workshop with local people
painting in hackney wick for global street art workshop with local people
painting Fiora.

Painting wise cats.​​

Painted By Brave 1.  just off of Brick Lane opposite old shoreditch underground.  Painted alongside Dank, for the London leg of the Meeting of styles Graffiti Art festival. Arranged by The End of the Line...Sponsered by Loop paint this year which was'nt too bad to use actually!  Cheers guys.
The Cat is adapted from the original illustration by the amazing Anastasia Korochansckaja.

It Says Brave

Click the image to see a photo montage of the piece as it comes together.

March 24th 2012 was a great day for a paint!

Me & Ster Linked with Beak for the first time, and Dropped this wall At Chelmsford in ESSEX, just for fun!


Painting Dragons.​​

Click the image to see a larger photo-montage of the piece as it comes together.

My piece at Strawberry fields festival 2012

Let me take you down, cos I'm going down to "STRAWBERRY FIELDS"

Was lucky enough to be invited by Hush, to paint at this
festival with Noir Gnasher & Blavo. It was a good weekend. Shouts to tha J.O.C. Crew

Gtotta love an english music festival where it doesn't rain! It felt like a miracle!

Original Dragon image: McLean Kendree

Brave trends Piece 

Click the image to see it larger ......

Painting the legendary pit in W London with Reakt

Click the image to see a larger photo-montage of the piece as it comes together.

Monkey Business

Click the image to see it larger 

Monkey business. Painted in December 2011

Banana killer... 5 stage pics....

Spraypaint on Concrete. 8ft x 10ft H
Alongside Ster & Flem.

Monkey from Jesper Ejsing's original.

A Royal Wedding. Flags everywhere

​​This only lasted 24hrs.

tiger rider street art in laindon essex
 Painting skulls with Ekto​:  Click the image to see a larger photo-montage of the piece as it comes together.


 We are Graffiti Artists!
This means sometimes we might still paint Graffiti Art that we haven't been paid for,  in places we haven't always been invited. Often it doesn't last very long. couple of Examples here.......

Modern legal graffiti hotspots & legal walls are fantastic, however paint in them & your work no longer belongs to you, its at the mercy of the streets.

People with spraycans who think "nobodys watching!" The nature of graffiti dictates that the majority of the artists work is lost forever!
See prints of some of those lost pieces ​here at the Brave Arts Shop

Brave Paints Reakt 


Reakt is an amazing artist.  Who I learnt loads from.  He's an Artist that only paints in the halls of fame.  

The derilict & often neglected places where walls are exploited by artists who constantly paint over each other. In a tradition that is as old as graffiti itself.

I painted this portrait in Essex's largest hall of fame in 07, Reakt painted letters next to it.

It only lasted a couple of weeks tho....


She only lasted 6 days!


Giving it away for free I painted this at the lakesdie Graffiti wall I Fancied doing something a little challenging, a little different. It was all free hand no stencils or stencil caps, I knew she wouldn't last!  When she was done I couldn't get enough of her" I took about 300 photos of her and kissed her goodbye!

Lakeside Essex 9th Feb 2008.

from hajime Sorayama's original"


dedi destroyed

Click the image to see a larger photo

This was a rare one,  only lasted 10 days






Halls of fame, have different rules to the streets, you never know what will happen to your paintings 



Before & After photos....

brave arts graffiti artists for hire graffiti workshops murals brave arts graffiti artists for hire graffiti workshops murals graffiti lessons best british graffiti essex graffiti art spray can art subway art brave1 "
brave arts Brave Arts bravearts graffiti brave1 hire a graffiti artist brave1 brave one brave one graffiti artists for hire u.k. graffiti for hire graffiti tutor graffiti lesson graffiti workshops graffiti workshop graffiti art graffiti school graffiti teacher graffiti classes graffiti class spraycanart spray can art spray can art subway art subwayart professional graffiti professional spray can artist streetartschool street art school urban art urbanart urban artist urbanartist essex graffiti graffiti essex essex graffiti artists

subway art project by brave arts in sudbury with schools and youth offending teams
blank wall before school project in woodham subway
street art school project in woodham subway

Click here to Watch a slideshow of the above SWF Subway art Project  Rainbow walk​ come together Step by Step..........

first time using montana gold transparent magic paint for graphotism article by scotty brave

Self portrait I painted for Graphotism (the international writers journal)  to test out the new montana gold transparent spraypaint. I used magic black & magic white on this one.  Painted alongside Bonsai & Dep at Lakeside


how to paint a graffiti letter piec by brave arts step by step design ideas

Lakeside Orange Hell Piece.

 took 3 weeks to get a line of disrespect sprayed through it. Thats painting at u.k. halls of fame for ya!

how to paint a graffiti letter piec by brave arts step by step design ideas

Lakeside Piece.


the making of the obama portrait i cant stand to look at you right now, by scotty brave 2009
the making of the obama portrait i cant stand to look at you right now, by scotty brave 2009
the making of the obama portrait i cant stand to look at you right now, by scotty brave 2009
the making of the obama portrait i cant stand to look at you right now, by scotty brave 2009
the making of the obama portrait i cant stand to look at you right now, by scotty brave 2009

Barack Obama by brave1 oct 2009. 

I painted this after being asked to take part in an exhibition to celebrate 'black history month" (October)

I was painting it when I heard he'd recieved the nobel peace prize.

I called it....

Obama, nice prize but I just can't stand to look at you right now!

6ft x 4ft Spraypaint on wood.  No stencils needed

Upfest 2012.   Cost me & arm & a leg to get to do this piece!   Most expensive piece I've ever done!

Upfest Bristol U.K.  2012  Brave 1 & Dank

painting in derelict factory with ekto in the snow blizzard
huge super hero character painted at lakeside hall of fame essex
tiger painted in street art on old Shoreditch train station allen gardens
tiger painted in street art on old Shoreditch train station allen gardens
tiger painted in street art on old Shoreditch train station allen gardens
tiger painted in street art on old Shoreditch train station allen gardens
tiger painted in street art on old Shoreditch traiarm & a leg to get to do this piece!   Most expensive piece I've ever done!
Tiger eyes.  Brave 1's piece from meeting on styles London 2014.  Painted on Old Shoreditch Tube station. 


step by step  a wall by scotty~Brave one, painted in feb 2016 
Its called Priestess.  character developed from a jimbox original
under the laindon shopping centre where graffiti art lurks
street art dragon in subterranean laindon uk
street art dragon in subterranean laindon uk
Dragon Styles: Working straight onto brick with 1 black spraycan & a pot of white paint (found in a skip) . 
Underground spirit.


street art dragon in subterranean laindon uk
allen gardens graffiti esat london by brave and ekto
Brave & Ekto Painting at the meeting of styles London 2016


allen gardens graffiti esat london by brave and ekto

More step by step pics here


scotty brave paints at music festival
scotty brave paints at music festival
Brave  Painting live at the Village Beach Festival 2016


glitch art created at firstsite gallery colchester essex
glitch art created at firstsite gallery colchester essex
glitch art created at firstsite gallery colchester essex
glitch art created at firstsite gallery colchester essex
glitch art created at firstsite gallery colchester essex
graffiti letters being painted at lakeside hall of fame essex
graffiti letters being painted at lakesidest me & arm & a leg to get to do this piece!   Most expensive piece I've ever done!
southend street art by scotty brave southend seafront free wall
southend street art by scotty brave southend seafront free wall
southend street art by scotty brave southend seafront free wall
roskilde festival graffiti rfgraff for festival in denmark by scotty brave
roskilde festival graffiti rfgraff for festival in denmark by scotty brave
roskilde festival graffiti rfgraff for festival in denmark by scotty brave

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westcliff station mural

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Scotty Brave - Promo Reel

Scotty Brave - Promo Reel

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The New City Gallery. Artist interviews. Feb 2022

The New City Gallery. Artist interviews. Feb 2022

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scotty brave paints with spraycans at chalkwell music festival with poppy brave
scotty brave paints with spraycans at chalkwell music festival with poppy brave
mandela effect by brave arts painted for the official nelson mandela exhibition leake st london street art glitch
graffiti dragon painted at the tamworth tunnels by scotty brave arts
graffiti dragon painted at the tamworth tunnels by scotty brave arts
graffiti dragon painted at the tamworth tunnels by scotty brave arts
testing spraypaint
testing spraypaint
graffiti letters drawing sketching unique artworks
starwars graffiti art with reko at lakeside hall of fame essex
starwars graffiti art with reko at lakeside hall of fame essex
starwars graffiti art with reko at lakeside hall of fame essex
tiger dragon painted street art

Copyright 2021 © Brave Arts est 1997.   All Rights Reserved.  Website Designed & built by Brave 1.  You are witnessing the strength of street knowledge

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