Subways (& Stairwells)
We've painted several subways & stairwells. Sometimes as part of community re-generation projects that have involved local groups i.e. Schools, youth groups & sometimes in partnership with other agencies such as youth offending teams & cultural initiatives. below is a selection of images from some of our subway projects see the full sets at the Brave Arts flickr
Artist in residence - school projects - Spraycan Art workshops - Open mural events
Please contact us if you would like us to work on a specific commission or project with you.
Click on images for a closer look

Ekto Brave & Kak. We worked with over 60 students from the local Schools over 10 days on this Subway, & painted 100m of walls

The walls of the stairwells in a Colchester carpark. We worked with 15 students from the local youth offending team on this one. Working over 3 days on this staircase, with Brave 1 Aroe Kak & Meros

Massive subway project involving many different local Schools in Essex

Huge Subway art project working with over 80 students from several different Schools

Massive subway project involving many different local Schools in Essex. Over 80 students 3 Graffiti artists Painted over 250m of subway walls

Massive subway project involving many different local Schools in Essex. Over 80 students 3 Graffiti artists Painted over 250m of subway walls

Subway art project with Ekto Kak froyd & Eyesaw In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Subway art project with Ekto Kak froyd & Eyesaw In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Subway art project with Ekto Kak froyd & Eyesaw In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Subway art project with Ekto Kak froyd & Eyesaw In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Subway art project with Ekto Kak froyd & Eyesaw In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Subway art project with Ekto Kak froyd & Eyesaw In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

The walls of the stairwells in a Colchester carpark. We worked with 15 students from the local youth offending team on this one. Working over 3 days on this staircase, with Brave 1 Aroe Kak & Meros

The walls of the stairwells in a Colchester carpark. We worked with 15 students from the local youth offending team on this one. Working over 3 days on this staircase, with Brave 1 Aroe Kak & Meros

The walls of the stairwells in a Colchester carpark. We worked with 15 students from the local youth offending team on this one. Working over 3 days on this staircase, with Brave 1 Aroe Kak & Meros

The walls of the stairwells in a Colchester carpark. We worked with 15 students from the local youth offending team on this one. Working over 3 days on this staircase, with Brave 1 Aroe Kak & Meros

The walls of the stairwells in a Colchester carpark. We worked with 15 students from the local youth offending team on this one. Working over 3 days on this staircase, with Brave 1 Aroe Kak & Meros

Worked with over 8o students from the local schools to complete this project. which was over 250m of walls

Massive subway project involving many different local Schools in Essex. Over 80 students 3 Graffiti artists Painted over 250m of subway walls

Massive subway project involving many different local Schools in Essex. Over 80 students 3 Graffiti artists Painted over 250m of subway walls

Subway art project with Ekto Kak & froyd In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Kak helped the class realise this image from one of the students sketch books. Subway art project with Ekto Kak & froyd In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Kerr. As part of the Subway art project in Sudbury with Ekto Kak & froyd Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Subway art project with Ekto Kak & froyd In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

part of a huge subway art project.

Subway art project with Ekto Kak froyd & Eyesaw In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Clacton with Ekto & Froyd

Subway art project with Ekto Kak froyd & Eyesaw - D - Dubs In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

Subway art project with Ekto Kak froyd & Eyesaw In Sudbury. Project included working with over 60 students from local schools. We painted over 250m of subway walls

two young helpers on our Colchester carpark project phase 1

project with kak ekto & brave1

students working with Kak Ekto & brave1

Sprayed on the walls of the local carpark by the brave arts crew,,,,kak, Ekto & Brave1

Bonsai & Lovepusher featured on the walls of this 'Brave Arts' subway art project

Grays Subway art project

Grays Subway art project

Walls prepped & ready for the students to come & start to help us fill the images in.....Colchester carpark stairwells

Colchester carpark stairwells

Featuring Reakt & Brave1

Grays Subway art project

Ekto working hard on the grays subway art project

Clacton subway project

Colchestrs history depicted on the walls of the carpark stairwells

This was a well known essex Legends contribution to the Grays subway art project. AAA

Grays Subway art project

Grays subway art project

grays subway art project

Sudbury Subway project

Grays Subway art project

on the walls of the carpark stairwells, Colchester


Student helps paint the sky, carpark stairwell project Colchester

Grays Subway art project

That's Mike-G-Rock & Bonsai up a ladder that is

Dolphins in Grays Subway

Mikey G- Rock Rulin - Schoolin & foolin! Clacton Subway project

- Videos - Photorealism - Graffiti Workshops - Rooms - Subways - Commissions - Step by Step pics