Professional Spraycan Art & Graffiti.
Street art Consultancy

Brave Arts was set up by the graffiti artist 'Brave 1' in 2001
With over 2 decades in the Art industry Brave arts represents some of the most experienced service Providers in this sector.
We specialise in Street art & Graffiti Art.
Providing tailor-made projects for our clients.
Our projects span the many disciplines of spraycan art.
From set design & advertising through to managing art events & teaching in schools.
Contact us for further information, a quote, project proposal or guidance to our
Artist statement & bio below.
Here at Brave Arts we are proud that our heritage in this art form can be traced back to the Traditions & values of the pioneers of style writing. Those artists that during the 1980's in New York set the standard & laid the foundations of the style of art we continue to practice today.
Undoubtedly we have been part of the largest growing new forms of painting in recent art history, & we promise to continue to push the boundaries of whats possible with spray paint.
We have an interest in uniting people, through hip-hop culture. We hope that through Art we can contribute to improving lives.
Interview with Scotty Brave_Arts
Statement from the artist Brave 1 - managing director & founder Brave Arts
Thanks for visiting braveone.co.uk
The story is pretty simple Scotty Brave
Graffiti art lover, turned graffiti art maker turned graffiti art teacher!
Scotty is a Youth worker, mentor & advocate of achieving positivity through sharing a passion for art.
This graffiti bug I caught way back when I was a kid turned out to be the very same skill set I needed to help others achieve their visions. To build a business & to travel & work for a wide range of different clients, organisations & charities.
Painting with spray-cans is a lot of fun. When I was a l kid in the 80's I drew lots of graffiti, and as a school boy I learnt how to spray paint it.
Nowadays spraycans have become the tools of my trade, & the medium I paint best in.
After doing a degree in Graphic design, In 1997 I saw an opportunity to make my life long intrest in Graffiti, pay!
At first it just paid for itself, - leftover spraycans helped subsidize my spraypainting habit. Allowing me to afford to paint more regularly!
Soon I was spray-painting things for work regularly too,
Living off left over spraycans, I painted some of my benchmark peices. & my emergence onto the U.K. Graffiti art Scene was firmly established by the late 1990's.
"Through out the years of doing this sort of work, I’ve managed to maintain a healthy balance of graffiti for work, & graffiti for pleasure.
This means I still paint just for pleasure, regularly. I enjoy painting & still get-up (paint graffiti ) just for the kick & for the knowing that I can!
I know many members of the team I work with feel the same.
I think this makes us unlike many street artists currently working commercially in the art industry.
Coupled with our passion for this artform, we all have well established Roots & with that comes knowledge understanding respect & admiration for the pioneers.
For a lot of us Adult graffiti artists it remains a tradition, part of our culture. A social thing as much as its a personal thing.
We've watched the graffiti art scence develop & evolve into what it is today. We've played our part in this.
Attitudes have evolved, so has the paint! We've seen developments in the manufacture of spray paint, Open up new possibilities & make Spraycan art accessible & achievable to so many more people.
The recent growth in popularity & mainstream acceptance of street art/graffiti has inevitably taken its toll on aspects effecting the quantity & quality of our beloved Art form. However....
Here you will find top quality work from genuine graffiti artists.
Thank you for visiting Brave Arts at Braveone.co.uk I hope you find what you are looking for."
Artist Bio from Scotty Brave_Arts
June 2021.
Scott graduated from university in London in the 90’s with a Graphic Design degree. By his late teens he had become one of the pioneers of delivering spray-can-art workshops in the UK. He has been an a consistently active contributor to the scence for 20+ years.
Born in Basildon 1975, schooled in Benfleet, he studied art college in Thurrock Essex.
Scott trained & worked as a detached youth-worker running hundreds of spraycan art workshops & events for schools & youth-clubs, secure-units & PRUs; pioneering spray-can-art within education.
Regularly published in international graffiti journal ‘Graphotism’,
His work also has been published in several lankmark books about the culture.
Scott has had residencies with Eastern Arts Board Metal & the Firstsite gallery he has delivered workshops for Tate & V&A working with ‘Graffiti Kings’ & ‘Graffiti Life’ agencies.
completing a variety of projects including set designs for Disney channel & projections for Tate’s Turbine Hall.
Commissioned pieces have included work for TV show T.O.W.I.E. & a 400ft piece for P&G. LTD.
Whilst working commercially Scott has also continued to paint hundreds of pieces hidden from the public & only seen by other graffiti artists, urban explorers or trespassers!
Many of his most notable pieces were created & destroyed within a week.
The renewable nature his art is something Scott has been reflecting on recently & he is currently exploring where his work & his experiences sit within the flourishing street art scene.
Systemwise for Culture vision Southend 2020 - 2025.
Systemwise street art consultancy. – By Brave Arts.
Realising the potential of street art in a town near you!
Statement from Scotty B 2019.
" I have a vision for this town, I'd like art and inspiration to replace the banal the derelict and the bland.'
As an artist Scotty has been in the business of transforming places and spaces under the handle @Brave_Arts for 20 years. In this his 21st year in the business he seems more determined than ever to create a meaningful and cohesive street art campaign in his town.
Clearly there are parts of town that need more than a lick of paint to fix it up 'n look sharp.
Some might say its a sticking plaster on a serious problem I say it's a thin layer of colours that starts the healing process.
'Handled properly street art benefits towns enormously. From reinventing spaces to linking with community projects, schools, local history tourism and business.'
For Street art consultancy email: Brave_01@hotmail.com
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Contact Form. Get in touch with us here: Brave_01@hotmail.com
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